Wednesday, September 3, 2008

The Vog Blog

To put it mildly, I am obsessed with John Fluevog shoes. I discovered them when I was living in San Francisco from 2003-2006. I lived in the Haight-Ashbury district, and everyday when I walked to work I would walk by the Fluevog store on the corner of Haight and Cole. I would covet the delicious shoes in the window, and as soon as I started making a salary I started buying.
Now I go visit my brother in NYC for my Fluevog fix. In 2007 I put myself on Fluevog probation--it was a very depressing year. I will never do that again.
I got the whole gang together for a group pic :)

1 comment:

chris said...

hey Peaches!

welcome to the blogosphere, honey!

did you know - i'm sure things are different now, but, at one point several years ago, there were only like 4 retail spots in the U.S. where you could walk in and buy Fleuvogs? NYC, Chicago, San Fran and, you guessed it, Bozeman! at ShoeFly!

go figger!